Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4 Ways To Boost Growth Hormones For Height Gain

By Rodney Williams

Growth hormones regulate much of our growth, peaking in early adolescence and spurring the large growth spurts seen in children and young teens. Growth hormone is a naturally produced protein in the body, produced for the most part by the pituitary gland, and released throughout the body.

Though our natural levels of growth hormone production slow as we get older, there are many ways to increase the level of hormones released by your body, and through these increased levels of growth hormone and proper height training exercises, increase height naturally.

Listed are four of the most common ways to increase your levels of growth hormone production.

Growth Hormone Pills or Injections - A hot topic in society lately, these HGH supplements are considered steroids, and are therefore banned by the ruling bodies of many professional and amateur sports. These supplements work by drastically increasing the production of HGH, which can lead to tremendous height and muscle growth over short periods of time, but can lead to several serious side effects, including lowered natural production of HGH, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. The cost, coupled with these potential side effects, should make HGH a no go for most regular people.

Deep Sleep - Achieving deep sleep is vital for so much of our healing and growth potential, as well as our ability to retain information and much more. Many people often equate good sleep with the amount of time slept which is not the case. Deep sleep is the final stage reached during a normal sleep phase, typically taking an hour to take hold after falling asleep. Many people achieve very little deep sleep each night though, even though they may think they're sleeping well. A good way to determine the amount of deep sleep you're getting is to visit a sleep clinic for an overnight study. They can determine exactly how much deep sleep you get each night, and possible reasons why you aren't obtaining more.

Exercise - Putting the body through a rigorous workout is one of the greatest ways to achieve increased growth hormone levels. Short bursts of intense workouts are generally the best way of producing higher levels of HGH, and this can be accomplished through routines such as high intensity sprints, weight lifting, and stair climbing.

Diet - Our diets are what keep us going, the fuel that gives us energy to perform our daily tasks. Without the proper fuel, some functions of our body don't perform as they should, and this is true of HGH production. Too much sugar and carbs in the diet in particular can lessen our production of HGH, and also slow or hinder its distribution throughout our bodies.

Without the proper levels of HGH, your body simply will not grow like it should and can. Increase your production of HGH and watch the effects of your targeted height gaining workouts increase in effect.

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Ways to Eliminate the Double Chin

By Jared Rothe

Double chins are appearing everywhere in this day and age. It seems like more and more people are obese and are finding themselves overweight. It is up to you to get rid of that ugly double chin.

Here are some of the ways to get rid of a double chin: exercise, dieting, surgery, liposuction, velform chin wrap, and double chin exercises that concentrate on the platysma muscle. The easiest option is liposuction but it depends on how you look at it. This method is very costly and you can find yourself in the operating room soon after if you don't change your eating habits.

Exercise is a good way to eliminate double chin, it tones the musculature and diminishes the problem. However if you are carrying excess weight, you will probably also need to take a look at this. Shedding a few pounds could be the first step in eliminating your double chin, as many people who have put on weight find that it arrived on the face and neck first.

Velform chin wraps are another convenient solution to this problem. This wrap, sort of resembles an elastic bandage that re-affirms the skin. It is used together with active ingredients in a gel form that melts away the fat away while shrinking loose neck skin.

Platysma and double chin exercises is another way to lose a double chin. You can workout this muscle by sticking your tongue out then retracting it.

Of course if you combine all these methods together you stand the best chance to lose a double chin. That means diet and exercise, platysma workouts, and velform chin wrap. You can get rid of your double chin with these methods. Your body will benefit from all the great work you put into yourself.

You will feel younger, appear younger, feel healthier and benefit all-round from a new exercise and diet regime. And with a little cosmetic assistance to speed up matters and tighten that loose skin, your confidence in your appearance will be restored. Don't allow the symptoms of a double chin to take away your self-esteem. You can claim this back right now with very little intervention, and a few very simple life style changes.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 3 Fun Games For Kids' Weight Loss!

By Frances Norah Smith

Suppose that you've never worked out in life, and all of a sudden someone tells you that if you wish to get rid of your fat belly, you would need to hit the gym for two weeks straight and spend an average of six hours there per day! How would you react to that? Your first thought would be that it is better to keep your fat belly intact and watch that cool Hollywood movie instead of working so hard.

Well, that is the exactly the same way your kids think when they are asked to workout like crazy for the purpose of weight loss! However, if you ask them to do some fun activities which would keep them cheerful and help them lose weight at the same time, then nothing like it! In this article I prescribe three such fun activities for your kids!

1. Dog walking: Walking is one of the simplest ways to lose weight, but kids won't want to walk without any incentive. Do you have a pet dog at home? If yes, the incentive could be that of taking the dog for a walk. If your kids are particularly attached to the pets at home, this would become easier! Be a model to your kids and take the dog with you when going out for your regular morning walks, and your kids would soon follow suit!

2. The twister trick: Board games and video games definitely make your kids fat, but not all games are that bad. Consider for example the twister game! Would you call it dull and boring? Definitely not! It is one game which kids of all ages are sure to enjoy, and since they cannot play it sitting on the couch, it would help them lose weight as well!

Again you could take the initiative by playing the game for your kids at first, and since kids like to follow adults, they would soon mimic you!

3. Let the chair be filled with music: Okay, I mean musical chairs! This is a very well known game but very few people know that it could be used to make your kids lose the fat belly instantly! The game is pretty simple: just get several hula hoops and chairs and put them all close to each other. Let the music begin!

The kids are supposed to walk in a big circle around the hoops or chairs as soon as the music begins. Immediately after music stops, the kids must jump fast into the hula hoops or the chairs; if anyone is unable to jump on the chair in time, he is sent back to the cheering section. Before the start of the next round of the game, you should take away one chair from the group!

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How To Use Dairy Products Correctly: Part Two - Cheese

By Owen Jones

The Basic Preparation Food: Dairy Products.


Cheeses are manufactured from milk which has been naturally or artificially turned sour. The first method is achieved by standing the milk in a warm place and allowing natural, beneficial bacteria to convert the milk's natural sugars into lactic acid. The second method is effected by adding an agent, usually rennet.

Colouring and salt are usually put in too. The whey is then drained off and the curds are pressed into moulds where they are kept until ripened or cured. Some cheeses are subjected to pressure; soft cheeses are not. Curds are ripened or cured by various means. The method, the quality of the milk, the breed of cow, sheep or other animal and the quality of its pasture and the type of bacteria all govern the final result.

Some local conditions are unique and those areas produce cheeses that are not successfully reproduced elsewhere: for example Gruyere and Camembert, although factories do try. They even have some success, as most of the world's Cheddar cheese now comes from the USA and Canada.

The constituent parts of cheese are roughly: 33% fat, 33% protein and 33% water with salt, colouring, sugar etc making up the other 1%. These proportions do vary from area to area as some manufacturers use full cream milk, others skimmed milk and yet others add extra cream. Yet others add extra sugar, although most do not. All cheeses have a high calcium content and can be considered 'concentrated milk' and stored in the same way.

Many people say that cheese must not be kept in a fridge and although storing in water, as for milk, is not a viable option, a cool larder is certainly ideal. Try the traditional method of suspending it from a hook in muslin in a cool, breezy place. If it is hot, moisten the cheesecloth with water to which a little vinegar has been added.

Cheese is typically served in Europe with a salad or/and bread and is often served after or instead of the sweet course. Hard cheese can be difficult for children to digest and grating it first will make it more palatable to them. Once grated the cheese can be sprinkled on vegetable or fish soups or sauces; added to egg, pasta, rice and oatmeal dishes; put on baked potatoes or pastry; toasted on bread or put in salads and sandwiches.

How To Cook Cheese: A not well known fact is that a lot of people find cooked cheese practically indigestible and the reason lies in its make-up. This is why: cooked starch can be digested by the saliva in the mouth, but other foods must pass to the stomach or intestines for this process to be completed. They are, however, broken up in the mouth. Digestion of protein begins in the stomach and is completed in the small intestine, while fat is not rendered soluble until it reaches the small intestine.

Cheese has a high fat and protein content, but when melted, the fat often covers the protein and prevents the digestive juices reaching it in the stomach. Therefore, its digestion is delayed until the fat has been absorbed by the intestines. Cheese can be rendered more digestible in the following way:

a] Cooking it with some starchy foodstuff, since the starch will absorb the fat, thus preventing it covering the protein.

2] Adding seasoning - Cayenne Pepper or mustard will irritate the intestinal lining, thus causing extra digestive juices to be released.

3] Cooking quickly at high temperature. This prevents the protein from becoming tough and stringy and therefore, harder to digest. Add cheese late to sauces.

4] Adding an alkali: for example, a generous pinch of Bicarbonate of Soda per 3 ozs (75g) will help neutralize the fatty acids and make the proteins easier to digest.

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Is straining to failure the wisest move?

By Jon Cardozo

If you have any experience at all in the bodybuilding world, you have probably heard of the term training to failure. It is one of the most popular concepts and is really promoted by most people in the industry, yet many people don't know what it really means.

I thought it would be a good idea to define some of these terms for you to avoid confusion. One important term I would like to discuss now is training to failure.

There seem to be a lot of people that throw around this term without really knowing what it means. Don't worry if you're one of them, we'll get you straightened out pretty soon!

The concept is actually pretty simple, but many people make it more complicated than it really is. If you train to failure, you perform a certain exercise on a particular muscle group until that muscle cannot handle it anymore. The muscle is exhausted and fails to lift anymore. It cannot perform another repetition (at least not immediately) on its own.

However, there's one trainer in particular who cautions us about how we interpret this concept. Vince Delmonte makes a distinction between momentary failure and complete failure. So what's the difference? I'm so glad you asked.

If you train to momentary failure, you work a muscle until it is exhausted and cannot lift anymore weights at that time. You can do the same thing going from one muscle group to the other. However, this is different from training to complete failure or absolute failure. Doing the latter means that you will end up training until you're completely exhausted and your body cannot go on anymore.

This kind of training is usually considered over training and can put a heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not to mention your muscles themselves. Because your nervous and immune systems take longer than your muscles to recover, you need to be very careful to avoid over training in the gym.

I know you're probably eager to make progress as quickly as possible, but taking the time to learn a few things can go a long way in the future. Learn to take care of your body, and learn when to rest your muscles.

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The Truth About Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico

By Sara Guppy

A concern about being overweight is obesity. There is a growing increase of obesity in the U.S. and for a few reasons. Psychological issues can play a part of obesity or it can be part of inheritance.

Either of these issues can help to develop other health problems in the future. The individuals that are affected by these issues, usually find easy ways to correct them. Diet and exercise can be difficult to follow unless you have the willpower to go the full length of the regimen. If all else fails, a common way is go the route of weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery is a proven way to lose weight. But the cost of operation has been a concern for those who wants to undergo weight loss surgery. This makes Mexico to be one of the most popular destinations for people who want to get rid of their unwanted fats.

Weight loss surgery in Mexico offers same quality service for only half the price of most weight loss surgery in United States can offer. Mexico has adequate facilities and qualified professionals to perform this kind of operation. Mexico is also a great option for people who don't have medical insurance to cover the cost of surgery.

The cost of the weight loss surgery in Mexico, should not be the main concern when planning for this surgery. Quality of care should be regarded as the most important aspect of the decision. The specialists that perform these procedures at top rated hospitals and medical centers in Mexico, are board certified and the facilities are up to standards with the hospitals in the U.S. and many are accredited.

Many of the medical doctors performing the weight loss surgery in Mexico, have received formal training in the U.S. There will be several options to choose from when deciding to have weight loss surgery in Mexico. You will consult with the doctor and he or she will help you to select the best option for you and your needs.

You will be able to discuss with your surgeon that will help you to understand your options more carefully. This is a major decision, so you will want to have all your concern, risks, and benefits on the table. The benefits of loosing weight is not only for the purpose of shedding the pounds, but as a measure for maintaining great health as well. Good weight reduces the risk of disease as well as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Take your time when deciding on a surgeon that will perform the weight loss surgery. Even though you would be able to save a great deal by receiving surgery in Mexico, you still need to be careful about your selection and should be wise in your understanding and planning. You must understand the risks involved with this procedure as well as the health benefits this surgery could afford.

Finally, the decision of weight loss surgery can be successful, if you have a solid understanding about the process and the possible pros and cons involved. This procedure can help in maintaining a much healthier lifestyle.

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Best Type of Fat Burning Diet that Will Work for You!

By Christine G. Shannon

People's reasons to lose fat vary. Some people might have noticed their weight creeping up and they want to restrict the damage. Other people might be very large and perhaps this is causing other health problems. Quick and easy fat loss diets are highly sought after but losing weight is not always easy. There is a lot of hype about different fat loss diets but most of these diets are disappointing and do not live up to their promise of long term or instant results. It is not always simple to find a fat burning diet that works.

One of the basic rules about dieting is that you need to understand that in order to burn fat and calories, the process is not going to work overnight. You need to learn which foods are the best to eat and when to consume meals. A weight loss program which increases energy is obviously better than one which deprives you of vital nutrients and decreases your energy levels. Some diet secrets involve starvation, which is not a diet you can stick to in the long term, not something which is enjoyable and will never work if you want long term results.

It is important that you find a fat loss diet that is easy to understand, stick with and is the right weight loss diet for your habits. A diet can be hard to commit to if you have a hard time understanding it, you will end up getting frustrated and depressed, then quit the diet, or give up dieting all together. It makes it more difficult for you to stick with future diets, as well.

The majority of pre-packaged diet programs can seem a bit bland and boring after a while. Besides, it is better to eat regular everyday foods when you are on a diet. These types of diets often involve a great deal of money to maintain the diet program and the weight loss.

Low carbohydrate diets are much too strict and can make you completely uncomfortable since your body does require a certain amount of carbohydrates. They can also cause you to gain back the weight after you begin to lose.

Low fat diets generally carry a lot of calories which can cause a gain in your weight. Many times dieters will find such low fat items to be too expensive to continue in their use. Besides just because it says it is low fat it never means that it has low or no calories. Using them makes no sense to many dieting individuals. In fact, there are not many that even taste good or worth eating. They leave you wanting something else more nutritious.

To lose weight you need a diet that you can fit into your lifestyle with your own favorite choices of foods, so you will enjoy being on the diet. Things you keep on hand all the time, or buy often at the store, that you like to eat.

After you have tried all the fast weight loss diets, you may still not have gotten any results. You need to try a weight loss diet that can work for you. Once you have committed to losing weight and finding a program that works for you, Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Lose Belly Fat With These 3 Simple Tips

By Barbara Vinciguerra, MS, 90 Day Ultimate Shape Up Program

Everyone wants to know how they can lose weight and get six pack abs. It seems everywhere you turn dieters everywhere are searching for the secret to the ever elusive flat belly. Fitness and weight loss expert Barbara Vinciguerra who has helped thousands of people lose weight successfully, has the following suggestions for losing weight and getting six pack abs.

It isn't easy, but the formula is pretty straightforward. Here are 3 simple things people need to focus on to lose weight fast.

1) Make sure your weekly exercise program includes 1-2 days of High Intensity Anaerobic Interval Training

This training includes the Turbo Training Workout programs, Fat Loss Training classes, Boot Camp classes and Total Conditioning classes. Several studies supporting the importance of this type of training. One of the landmark studies looked at the effects of circuit weight training on EPOC.

2) Make sure your weekly exercise program includes 3-4 days of Metabolic Resistance Training

2) Make sure your weekly exercise program includes 1-2 days of High Intensity Anaerobic Interval Training

The third key "ingredient" in fat loss training is high intensity interval training (HIIT). It burns more calories than steady state and elevates metabolism significantly more than other forms of cardio. Anaerobic must be 85-92% of Max Heart Rate (45 seconds or less). One of the landmark studies that looked at steady state aerobics vs interval training found that an interval training group showed a nine times greater loss in subcutaneous fat than and endurance exercise group. Even thought the steady state group burned 2 x the calories they lost less FAT than the interval group.

This training includes the Turbo Training Workout programs, Fat Loss Training classes, Boot Camp classes and Total Conditioning classes. Several studies supporting the importance of this type of training. One of the landmark studies looked at the effects of circuit weight training on EPOC.

The third key "ingredient" in fat loss training is high intensity interval training (HIIT). It burns more calories than steady state and elevates metabolism significantly more than other forms of cardio. Anaerobic must be 85-92% of Max Heart Rate (45 seconds or less). One of the landmark studies that looked at steady state aerobics vs interval training found that an interval training group showed a nine times greater loss in subcutaneous fat than and endurance exercise group. Even thought the steady state group burned 2 x the calories they lost less FAT than the interval group.

For even more great weight loss tips for six pack abs download a free sample of the 90 Day Ultimate Shape Up Program

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3 Definite Ways to Keep Your Kids Away from Weight Gain!

By Frances Norah Smith

There is really nothing surprising about the fact that America is host to the highest number of obese kids! If you ever visit a decent American fast food restaurant, you would find out almost an equal number of kids and adults eating out there! In fact people there not only eat fast foods outside but bring them at home to eat during lunch or dinner time! In short, fast food seems to have become almost an huge part of American diet!

Eating once in a while at a fast food restaurant is one thing, but making it a habit and considering junk foods to be part of your staple diet is going to make you and your kid fat and nothing more! These foods have an attractive outer appearance and also taste great in mouth, but once they go inside the body, they get deposited as fat and make the person overweight! Thankfully there are certain simple and easy ways to get rid of this menace. Read on to find out about these methods!

It would of course be wrong on your part to put the entire blame of adopting unhealthy eating habits on kids. After all, don't children pick up habits only from their parents? They have sufficient knowledge to understand what their parents are doing, but are not intelligent enough to differentiate between good and bad eating habits!

As a parent, it is your duty to guide your kid during his childhood. Many parents, some purely out of laziness and others because of lack of time, ask their children to have their fill at a local fast food restaurant! Why? It is simple and effortless, since parents don't need to spend time on cooking! The concept may look attractive on the surface but the ending is obviously not so good!

Now the question-why should you worry about your kids' health! Kids should remain fit and healthy not just for cosmetic reasons and social acceptance but to keep themselves away from harmful diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc., which go side by side with obesity! If you don't want your kid to suffer from these terrible maladies and die an early death, your best bet is to start implementing the following three measures right now!

1. Breakfast is important: Starting the day with a healthy breakfast is as much important for you as your kids. Very often, adults skip breakfast citing 'lack of time' or 'important business appointments' as excuses. Children too follow them, their excuses being either 'lots of homework' or 'getting delayed for school'. However if you or your kid skip breakfast, it won't be surprising for either of you to gorge on a couple of burgers later in the day when you would no longer be able to put up with hunger!

Eating breakfast regularly is as much important as having a healthy breakfast. White breads, sodas, burgers, French fries, etc. are NOT what you should include in your kids' breakfast! Kids should have a breakfast rich in protein which can be found in plenty in chicken, eggs, etc. Salads are also a good breakfast food! Apart from that, any homemade meal cooked using low-calorie oil would make for an ideal breakfast food!

2. Make the food attractive: Unlike adults, kids won't eat anything which doesn't taste or look good. They may not be like to eat something as dull as vegetables, but top it with cheese, and they would lick the plate dry! Same goes for pasta. Instead of serving them plain pasta, try serving it in "shapely" form!

To give you an idea, how about a triangular or octopus-shaped pasta! The more visually appealing the food is, the more they would be attracted to it! Slowly they would get so accustomed to healthy meals that their addiction to junk foods would wear off!

3. Let them eat small: The principle of eating in small portions applies as much to kids as adults. It is no use forcing your child to eat a bucketful of rice when he doesn't need it! Instead, you should serve him the same rice in three or four smaller portion!

Kids are habitual grazers, which mean that they would take longer to eat than an adult! This is a good habit, so don't discourage it! Let them enjoy every bite of the food they eat, as they are likely to become satisfied quicker this way than otherwise! As a result, there is much less of a chance of them ever overeating!

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How Cycling Can Help You Gain Height

By Rodney Williams

For more than a hundred years people have enjoyed the fitness and recreation that comes from bicycling. The millions of people who ride bikes for leisure and transportation know that it is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Doctors all over the world recommend bike riding both for weight loss and body strengthening. With so many benefits, it is no surprise that bicycling is also an excellent way to maximize your height.

If you are on a quest to increase height then you may already know that exercise is of fundamental importance. When you exercise, your body releases the Human Growth Hormone, or HGH. HGH stimulates your bones, muscle, and even organs to grow. This includes instructing you bones to lengthen and make you taller. Exercise increases metabolism rates so that you lose weight. Extra weight can cause poor posture and make you appear overall shorter than you are. The natural stretching that occurs during exercise helps your body grow and makes your sleep more effective. Furthermore, exercise can give you a positive mental outlook so that you can imagine yourself taller.

Bicycling may be the most effective exercise because of the many ways it affects your body. This type of aerobic exercise makes your heart and lungs healthier. A healthy heart helps circulate HGH through your body and give your bones and muscles the nutrients they need to gain height. This type of exercise also strengthens you muscles, especially those in your legs and back. This is important because these areas have the most potential to grow, but must be supported by well-toned muscles.

Another reason why bicycling is a superior exercise is that you can actually make yourself taller as your ride. When you extend your leg to push the bike pedal, you body begins to stretch. Stretching conditions your body, helping your muscles prepare and making the HGH be the most effective. All of this occurs naturally when you ride a bike, but you can capitalize on these stretches to make yourself grow.

Start by raising your handlebars so that you sit in an upright position with your feet flat on the pedal. Studies have examined the height difference between groups of cyclist and how it relates to biking posture. Two groups were examined that had similar eating habits and level of fitness. However, the average height of one group was significantly taller than the other. Then, it was observed that the taller group had raised handlebars and the shorter group had lower bars that made them slump forward in a racing position. Posture is important to make your body grow and good posture while riding a bike is no different.

The next step is to make sure your leg fully extends when you pedal. Move your seat height so that you can extend your leg, with your feet flat on the pedal, but maintain an erect position. You should ride you bike in this position for some time until you are very comfortable riding in this manner. Then, mark the position of your seat and raise it one quarter of an inch. This will help you further extend and stretch your legs. Make sure you still pedal with your feet flat on the pedal.

Each time you become adjusted to this new height, raise the seat again. Each time you raise your seat, your will begin training your leg to stretch further so that your foot sits flat on the pedal. When you finally reach this goal, you will know that your leg has grown. Not only will you physically improve your body, but you will improve your mental health as well.

When you see this proof that you have actually grown, it will give your mind the positive motivation it needs to continue your endeavor to grow taller. Exercise in general improves mental health, and seeing such amazing results can stimulate mind to grow further. Believing that you have the power to make yourself taller is just as important as exercise and diet.

Since its invention in the nineteenth century, the bicycle has become the preferred form of exercise for millions of people. Whether you are riding down a path or stationary in a gym, a bicycle is proven to make your body taller and healthier. Also, the stretching and strengthening that occurs when you ride a bike gives you the mental boost you need to grow. A few simple changes to your regiment and some quality time on your bike may be all that you need to achieve your height goals.

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An Absolutely Fantastic Method to Keep Your Kids Slim!

By Frances Norah Smith

We all know that the only way to keep our kids from getting any fatter is by making them eat healthy fruits and vegetables as well as forcing them to stay away from junk foods. However, any parent knows that it is easier said than done! After all, which kid would want to give up on the tasty junk foods for the sake of fruits and vegetables! Well, good news is that there is a little trick which works wonders in this case! In this article I will talk about that little-known but useful trick!

The trick is that of hiding healthy foods in the guise of 'comfort' foods. How about a spinach burger, or a 'soft drink' made up of just plain water with a tad of sugar and a pint of natural lemon or mango flavor? How about substituting butter with margarine for the purpose of cooking those delicious and yummy popcorn balls? There are plenty of ingenious ways you can use to make your kids eat healthy foods without much fuss!

Now, there are certain things to remember here:

1. First of all, contrary to what many parents believe, there is nothing unethical about tricking your kids into eating healthy foods; the only 'bad' thing which is going to happen as a result of this trick is that your child would be more and more addicted to healthy foods and his addiction towards junk foods would immediately diminish over time!

Most of the organic fruits and vegetables out there are rich in fiber, among other nutrients! Therefore these foods help keep your kids full for a long time, and consequently, their appetite for junk foods is killed!

2. Secondly, while it is true that this tehnique only works for young children, it is also true that if you make them accustomed to healthy foods right from their infancy, it would be easier for them to incorporate healthy eating habits later in life, and when that happens, you won't really need to trick them anymore by offering healthy foods camouflaged as junk foods! Remember that habits, good or bad, are adopted by human beings right from a very young age!

3. Thirdly, in the quest of making our children eat healthy foods, we must not lose sight of the foods they may be allergic too! Milk may be good for the growth of kids, but many kids are lactose intolerant and as such, cannot digest milk properly! The only solution is to offer skimmed or 'fat-free' milk instead!

Also there are many kids who are allergic even to the innocuous potatoes! If your kid doesn't like potatoes no matter how you cook them, then there is more to it than its bland taste. However if your kid seems to prefer potato chips in place of roasted or steamed potatoes, then it is just an unhealthy food choice which needs to be taken care of. Granted that potatoes are high on carbs, but still, steamed potatoes are lower on calorie content than potato chips; plus your kids need carbs anyway!

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Walking for Weight Loss " A Walk a Day Keeps the Fat Away

By Thong M. Dao

Do you feel like you're on an endless weight loss cycle? Losing weight, gaining weight back, losing again, a continuous up and down scale. Many folks share the same problem.

Break that cycle and grab a hold of the rope of discipline. Stay away form junk food and keep on your workout program. That's right. The weight fluctuation is our fault.

Folks have a misconception that once they lose weight successfully, they think that they won't gain weight any further, no matter what they do. This is totally untrue! Even after we have lost weight successfully, we will have to follow the same diet and exercise routine to maintain that weight.

If you do not want to go to the gym, fine. Then walk to lose weight and maintain the weight you've lost. Here are 3 "weight loss by walking" tips.

1. Visit your doctor: Before starting your walking schedule, it's advisable that you visit your doctor.

He will give you advice on a proper walking plan according to your health conditions. For example, if you have bad knees, he may suggest swimming in stead of walking.

2. Track your steps: Walking for weight loss requires you to know exactly how much it takes (i.e. how many steps a day). It's impossible to know if you walk one mile today and a half tomorrow. The best way to find out is to purchase a pedometer.

They are not very expensive and you can find one at most local stores. Pedometers will help us count our steps. This way we know how many steps are needed everyday to lose fat effectively.

Just stick to your "losing weight by walking" plan and you'll feel much better!

3. Put on the right clothes: walking for weight loss won't be an enjoyable experience unless we put on loose-fitting trousers that allow free movement of limbs. Don't wear any tight-fitting dress that makes us uneasy.

Shoes, we all have shoes. However, flip-flops are not athlete shoes. Wearing comfortable well-fitting athlete shoes will allow you to enjoy walking without hurting yourself.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Aerobic Program - When Do You Start?

By Colon Bolden

First of all, Aerobic exercise is important for all ages. It's never too late to begin an aerobic exercise program and to experience the often dramatic benefits. If you've been avoiding exercise for some time, start a lower level of physical activity than a more active person would. You may have an underlying medical condition that limits your choice of exercises; if so, ask your doctor for advice about exactly how to proceed.

Some people worry that aerobic exercise will increase their heart rates, they have only so many heartbeats in a lifetime. In fact, fit individuals use 10 to 25% fewer heartbeats in the course of a day, even allowing for the increase during exercise periods. Aerobic training also builds good muscle tone, improves reflexes, improves balance, burns fat, aids the bowels, and makes the bones stronger.

Other people worry about destroying their joints by too much aerobic exercises, or about sudden death while exercising. The truth is the opposite. Those who exercise have much less disability than those who don't because the tissues around their joints become stronger. Occasionally a person does have a heart attack during exercise, the overall chances of a heart attack are greatly decreased by aerobic exercise.

Your choice of a particular aerobic activity depends on your own desires and your present level of fitness. You should be able to grade the activity; you should be able to easily and gradually increase both the effort and the duration of the exercise.

You have to set goals. Set goals for the level of fitness you want to achieve. Preferrably your final goal should be at least one year away, but you may want to develop in between goals for maybe one, three and six months.

Choose a particular time of day for your exercise. Your exercises should be regularly performed for at least five out of seven days of the week. If you decide to exercise all seven days, take it easy one or two days each week. Each exercise period should be reasonably constant in effort.

When you're walking, jogging, or whatever, you can use both distance and time to keep track of your progress. When starting out, make a habit to keep a diary of what you do each day to be sure you're on track. Get accustomed to the activity first and then begin to push it just a little bit.

Be sure to loosen up with stretching exercises before and after exercise periods, and wear clothing warm enough to keep your muscles from getting cold and cramping. The bottom line is patience and common sense.

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Burn Fat Fast with the Best Cardio Exercises

By Thong M. Dao

Everyone has wondered at some point which is the best of cardio exercises. To put it simple, either low or high intensity cardio exercise program will help us to burn off body fat. The question here is which is the best cardio exercise to burn off more body fat.

Scientists found that high impact exercise enables the body to burn glycogen which is a kind of carbohydrates. The body stores glycogen in the liver and muscles and will use it for energy. It's also believed that under a low impact exercise, the body burns a lot of fat.

Unfortunately, researchers were not completely correct. To this day, there are more overweight people than ever though they exercise with low intensity. Why is it?

Scientists, however, were correct when it came to low impact cardio exercises. A low impact exercise, like walking or swimming, burns more fat. But if we perform a high impact exercise, the body will burn calories, and lots of them. These calories come not only from glycogen but also from fat.

To put the icing on the cake, when our store of glycogen gets low, the carbohydrates from the food we eat will later be converted into glycogen to fill up the store instead of body fat when they are left unused.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up our metabolism even after we have completed our workout. What this means is that the body will continue to burn body fat hours after we have left the gym.

However, this is not the case with low impact cardio exercise which will not boost your metabolism that long. In short, chances are high intensity training helps burn more body fat than low.

We can add high intensity exercises into our cardio workout by introducing some interval training " one of the best cardio exercises. We can walk for 5 minutes or so, then break into some jogging for another 5 minutes.

Then, walk briskly again until we have caught our breath and then sprint for a minute before we walk again. From this point, simply alternate running and walking for the next 15 minutes until we are done. If you don't like walking, do the same with a cardio exercise machine.

What's best about cardio is the more we do it, the more energy we'll have. Cardio will help us burn calories, although it's more useful for keeping our energy levels high.

I have an important message for newcomers. Start slowly and pace yourself, you do not want to get exhausted, do you? Take on your cardio exercise program today and stay in top shape!

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2 Tips to Help Your Kids Eliminate Their Fat Bellies!

By Frances Norah Smith

People learn only from their peers, and this holds true for adults as well as kids. It is no secret that the level of childhood obesity in the world is rising alarmingly with every passing year. Even though parents always blame their kids' unhealthy lifestyle habits as the root cause of obesity, the fact remains that if parents are willing, they can change those habits during the growing years of their children.

Take note that a stitch in time saves nine; if you nip these bad habits of your kids in the bud then they would always remain fit and healthy. If you are clueless about what to do in this direction, I will tell offer you two tips on that!

Make no mistake, even though now I am a fitness professional, I too was a big, fat ugly kid disliked by my class mates and neighbors alike! Just like your kids I too loved all the tasty and yummy junk foods my parents used to feed me.

My parents thought that I would cry less if they feed me delicious foods all the time; however this didn't help at all as I cried even after all that 'pampering'; if anything, I fell prey to unhealthy eating habits for which I had to pay dearly later on.

When I grew up a little, Mac Donalds became my regular destination and their burgers my all-time favorites! To top it all, my parents even took me to a doctor for they thought I was grossly underweight and malnourished, and oddly enough, that doctor only gave reassurance to my parents' fears!

I don't even need to tell you the end result of it all; soon I had a fatty belly and a pair of flabby arms which I detested very much (even though my parents seem to have no issues with them).

After keeping up with the taunts of my schoolmates for a while, I thought that enough was enough, and one day decided that I would lose weight no matter what!

1. Encourage your kids to idolize professional athletes and bodybuilders: These days, kids tend to idolize movie stars and prefer to sit on the couch the entire day and watch movies of their favorite idols. There is nothing wrong with hero worship at all, as long as it helps your kids stay fit and avoid weight gain. Idolizing movie heroes and heroines won't be of any use to them; on the other hand, idolizing professional sportspersons, body builders and athletes would really help them stay active all the time. While it is true that I indulged in hula hopping because it was a very popular sport among our neighborhood kids, I played tennis mainly because famous tennis players such as Andre Agassi and Andy Roddick were my idols (they still are).

When kids consider athletes to be their heroes, they like to emulate their active lifestyle and have a have a healthy body like them. Hence your kids would start eating healthy and indulging regularly in outdoor games!

2. Dont stop your kids from participating in sports: So when I decided to lose weight, I began spending much more time in my favorite sports than I used to!! Thankfully, unlike the parents of some of my peers, my parents never prohibited me from indulging in outdoor sports.

Take a cue from this: if you are a parent and wish to keep your kids fit and healthy then keeping them from indulging in sports is just stupid! Far from making your kids sit at home and forcing them to stick their eyes on books throughout the entire day, you should in fact encourage them to become active in life, since only active kids are able to keep the fat away for the rest of their lives!

Really, that is the only thing I did, apart from changing my unhealthy eating habits, in order to acquire the fit body that I still maintain! And you thought it was too difficult to help your kids lose weight!

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Does Tea Speed Up Your Bodys Metabolism

By Jared Rothe

Drinking tea is not something new or a new fad that everyone is jumping on board with; people in China have been drinking it for hundreds and even thousands of years for medicinal purposes, tradition and pleasure. There is black-tea, white-tea, green-tea, red-tea, jasmin-tea, wu-long tea, white-tea, tea that help stress levels, teas that help weight loss and the list just continues on and one. Many of these have in the past only been used in Asian countries are now making their way into the rest of the world. So when we hear about how it helps to reduce weight, the question that comes to mind about these new teas is; and if it can speed up your metabolism?

Green-tea for example is taken by many people for the benefits that it offers. One of which is that it can actually speed up the metabolism process. The metabolism rate increases at a tremendous rate, even if you do not change your food habit, you daily calorie burn out will be increased and you will be able to burn more weight. It also reduces your hunger so that you eat less and that way also you lose some weight.

There was a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that kept track of weight loss with the addition of tea to a diet. The results were amazing. They found that those that drank green tea burnt thirty-five to forty percent more calories every day. One study showed that a person lost double the weight of another who wasn't taking green tea. So four to six glasses a day should be a great start to losing weight.

There has been research to conclude that tea does in fact raise your metabolism. There is another study going on currently that compares weight loss from people who take caffeine supplements to those who just drink tea. The tentative results say that the people who drank tea are losing more weight.

There are a number of teas found in the market today that are beneficial for your health and metabolism and each tea have their own unique properties. So when you want to increase your metabolism and shed a few extra pounds, then think about adding green tea, oolong-tea, white-tea or other low caffeine teas to your diet.

In addition to the information listed above tea also has the ability to protect you from diseases such as cancer and heart problems. Drink tea to improve your health.

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3 Palate Training Tips to Help Your Kids Avoid Weight Gain!

By Frances Norah Smith

If you thought your kids have gotten their junk food eating habits from peers, you may not be wholly true! Habits start quite early in the life of a human, and if your kid is taught the benefits of healthy eating right from infancy, they are less likely to indulge in junk food eating out of peer pressure, if at all, than otherwise! A formula which works very well in this case is palate training.

Contrary to its name, this formula is quite simple and straightforward, in that it doesn't require any expert knowledge on your part! It was invented by two members of the Good Food Village Trust, Louise Rutten and Mitzy Wilson! Palate training is all about training the tastebuds of your kids in such a way that they start loving natural and healthy foods much more than those yummy fast foods! So let's get right on it as to how to start training the palates of your kids!

1. Let them appreciate natural foods: Your kids would eat organic foods only when they love them! From quite an early age, you should teach your children that beets or carrots don't taste awful! Conventional preaching doesn't work too well in case of kids for whom, seeing is believing.

So you could go a bit further, peel off a carrot and let your kid lick it with his tongue or chop it off and ask him to put a piece on one side of his mouth and keep it there for a few moments to enjoy the taste. Such small and gradual steps would make your kid addicted to carrots! In fact, you can use this formula for any food you want your kids to eat!

2. Don't encourage bad habits at home: While it is true that you don't have absolute control over what your kid eats when he is out of home, you could still control his eating habits in a number of approaches.

An example could be when he goes to school, pack his lunch box with healthy fruits and vegetables. If your kid doesn't eat it at school, make him eat the same at home. It is still possible that your kid may have a bite of pizza or hamburger at school or a sip of soft drink at a friend's party! However, they won't get addicted to them if you don't allow those foods at home, since a kid needs to eat a particular food at least 14-15 for him to get addicted to it!

3. Walk the talk: It is easy to preach the benefits of healthy eating to your kids but do YOU follow your own advice? Remember that kids have a tendency to emulate the adults, particularly their parents, and if they catch you enjoying a packet of chips on a lazy Saturday evening, why would they be contented with a carrot or cabbage? If you wish to inculcate good eating habits in your kids, you need to adopt them yourself first!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some Weight Loss Pills That Works Effectively

By Steve Anderson

Which weight loss pills are the well? In our ambitions of sounder and slimmer consistency we demand for a complete solvent to make it as quick and easy as it can be. And the pursuit for impeccable weight loss tablets will doubtless subsist for a long time.

If you want to thin the quick way, then you well prefer regular weight loss pills over the prescription weight loss pills. Although prescription medicine weight loss pills are proven effective, some of these are blamed to have several side effects. These pills are found to be wont forming and numerous people get giddiness, looseness of the bowels, blurred imagination, and an upset digestive system after eating up these pills. That is wherefore most people nowadays are more careful of the importance of just health and doing things the natural way.

For overweight patients, there are many solutions like dieting, fasting and recitation. But these resolutions are serious and not every plump person can do, so diet pills are advisable solution for weight loss. You may choose dieting to lose that extra pound of fat, unconscious of the fact that it makes you lose fat. Dieting is hazardous and makes you prone to perilous diseases. So, is there any other right-hand alternative present that can help you to loose weight? Yes, slimming tablets are the working alternative for slimming.

Before finally settling to get a container of pill, be sure to take pink-collar advise as greatly as doable. You know, still these pills have judges and statements and have certain journals, you can not be particular if its congenial to your material considerations. This is a must if you have any zip reversals.If you will track these minimum measures, you will never have to care about bad part things in slimming pills. anyhow, the whiz in everything that we do depends on our willingness to learn something that"s poorness to be bookish about it. That is very creditworthy with weight loss and weight loss pills.

Exercise each day, or at least paseo every day, instead of being inactive. Eat fresh nutrients that are healthy. Your metamorphosis rate can be increased with spicy foods.Take weight loss pills.The best course of handling for obesity is by conflating exercise and slimming pills. Look for those that are crushing your appetite. They can help you get to the craved weight.

With the help of the weight loss pills you can quash your body weight swifter and more easily. One can take the aid of the general doctor to know the details of the various weight loss pills that are forthcoming in the market. If you have already used a specific brand of weight loss pills, then you keep using the same. The weight loss pills can also be used by the persevering who are stressed from the problem so morbidly fleshiness. To gain the body's metabolism you can distant do the suspire practices. The ventilation exercise helps you gain and regulate the body's metabolism rate. Moreover the respiring exercises are light to do and can be done anyplace in a brief time period.

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3 Lists of Negative Calorie Foods for Free - Burn Fat Quickly with Them!

By Frances Norah Smith

The concept of losing weight by consuming negative calorie foods might stump you, but trust me, it is not as complicated as you think! As a matter of fact, with any food your body needs to expend its stored energy to digest it before it can give back some energy to the body! Compared to ordinary foods, the so-called 'negative calorie foods' consume more energy from your body to digest themselves than what they supply to the body.

As a result, a calorie deficit occurs which in turn forces your body to burn your existing fat deposits so as to make up for this deficit, thereby helping you lose weight! It is really a simple concept, but the tough part is identifying the negative calorie foods.

Fortunately, you won't have to import negative calorie foods from Mars; in fact, you may already be eating negative calorie foods without being aware of it. In order to help you choose the best negative calorie foods for fast weight loss, I would offer you a free list of the negative calorie foods I highly recommend to all my clients.

1. The A-List: Those good old red apples maybe high on calorie, but they won't make you fat as long as you consume them in moderate quantities. You would notice that regular apple consumption is recommended by doctors and nutritionists alike, and there is a good reason behind it!

Other foods in this category are asparagus and apricots. For your information, apricots taste better when eaten together with cereals; in fact, I consume them both for my daily breakfast!

2. The B-List:

My lunch is never complete without a can of blackberries. Blackberries are rich in antioxidants as well as fiber. Don't forget beets too; they are not only rich in fiber but also Vitamin A. Thus, beets are extremely good for your eyesight! Broccoli is yet another of my favorite foods; I usually have steamed broccoli for dinner, but you can have it whenever way you wish!

Though relatively unknown, buffalo fish is yet another negative calorie food that I highly approve!

3. The C-List: Whenever I have beets, I also make sure to include carrots in it. You would notice that eating either beets or carrots alone could be a bit boring, but combine the two and the result is fantastic! Beets and carrots are ideal mates for each other; you can have them either in raw or steamed form.

Crabs are eaten by many people but few are aware of the fact it is also a negative calorie food! You can also add cabbage and cauliflowers to this list!

I could go on and on as there are many more negative calories foods than what I have mentioned here, but if I want to keep this article from turning into a boring novel, I need to stop right now. If you need more food alternatives, they are already available online for free!

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3 Step-by-Step Meal Plans For the Fans of FatLoss4Idiots!

By Frances Norah Smith

With due respect to the huge number of articles written on the benefits of calorie shifting, I just wished that the authors of those articles had also taken the time to offer a few easy-go-recipes for the followers of the diet. Regardless, I am going to fill that need with my article! If you have been searching for some good recipes that go well with the concept of calorie shifting, you would be able to find them and more from this article!

For the sake of argument, I am making a few assumptions here, the first of them being that you are quite familiar with the concept of calorie shifting method of dieting. I am also assuming that you are a member of the FatLoss4Idiots diet program, which follows the philosophy of calorie shifting diet. Now if those two assumptions are true, then you are going to benefit tremendously from this article. I will offer you a 3-day meal plan based on the dietary requirements of FatLoss4Idiots.

For your information, these meal plans are only for the non-vegetarians; I cannot mention the vegetarian diet here, as it would mean infringing on the copyright of FatLoss4Idiots. If you require the vegetarian version of these meals, you can access that from within their membership area.

Also, note that you are free to consume these meals in any way and order you wish, the only exception being the meal plan of second day. Moreover, if you don't want to eat a particular food suggested in the meal plan, you are free to do that as well. These meal plans are as flexible as they should be, so that you can enjoy your meals and lose weight at the same time!

1. Meal Plan for First day:

Your first day should consist of the following meals:

Meal A-

I) Mixture of vegetables in steamed form: When you are starting the diet, I would advise that you eat a bowl of steamed vegetables. You can have any number of vegetables you wish in the mix. If however, you choose to eat them fried, make sure you use as little oil as possible; I would also suggest the use of olive oil over your regular fatty oil.

II) Slices of roasted beef and hard boiled eggs: It is important to start building your lean muscle mass right from day one, as more lean muscles means quicker fat burning and a stronger and flatter body! Increasing your protein intake is a great way to build strong muscles, and good news is that both lean beef and eggs are rich in protein content!

Meal B-

Your second meal would include eggs, this time in scrambled form. Additionally, you should also consume broiled sea bass.

Meal C-

For the third meal, I recommend sausage links along with cottage cheese.

Meal D-

For the fourth meal, broiled orange roughy along with tuna salad would make a great combination, and if you add a few pears to the mix (in fresh form of course), you cannot help but explain 'Wow!'

2. Meal Plan for Second day:

You could have the following meals on second day:

Meal A-

For the first meal, you should eat nothing except a deli meat sandwich. To make this sandwich, you should only use the following ingredients:

-Any kind of meat that fits the deli style, such as turkey, ham, roasted beef, etc.

-2 Medium-sized sandwich breads

-Optionally, you can also add onions, tomatoes and lettuce to the mix

Meal B to D-

Your next three meals should consist of nothing but fruits. You are however free to choose any fruits from the following: pears, plums, oranges, peaches, strawberries, grapes, grapefruit, apples, kiwis, etc.

3. Meal Plan for Third day:

If you are bored of the fruit-only meals of the previous day, the meals of the third are as delicious as they could be!

Meal A-

You can start your day off with shrimps (one of my favorite foods by the way) together with Pastrami in sliced form.

Meal B-

For the second meal, nothing could be greater than having lean chicken meat. Along with chicken, you should also have the macadamia nuts, as they are rich in unsaturated fats!

Meal C-

Did I say that the third day has some interesting foods in store for you! For your third meals, you can have both cheese and turkey, although in sliced form. Along with that you can also have banana milk shake (trust me, it tastes yummy!).

Meal D-

With this fourth meal, you would be back to square one. Bear in mind that when you started dieting I recommended hard-boiled eggs and slices of roasted beef for your first meal! Well, you can have them again for this fourth meal. That completes the dieting cycle!

Even the best laid out meal plans could appear to be boring after sometime, which is why I highly advise that you use the diet generator software that comes free with your FatLoss4Idiots membership! This tool would generate awesome meal plans based on your food choices.

A diet program that lets you eat what YOU want- can anything be better than that!

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2 Healthy Substitutes For Cooking Great Low Calorie Meals!

By Frances Norah Smith

People think that low-calorie foods would always taste dull. However, that is not the truth at all! If you cook low calorie foods in a tasty way, you would not only be able to enjoy them but also shed the pounds easily! And believe it or not, it is possible to cook delicious low calorie meals while keeping the calorie content low. In this article, I will tell you how to do both.

As you might have guessed, in order to achieve both ends, you need to use "food substitutes". For example, if there is the fatty butter, there is also the low-fat margarine you can use as its alternative. Similarly, for the high calorie sugar, there is a substitute in the form of Splenda. Let's examine how those two healthy substitutes could help you cook delicious, low calorie meals!

1. In modern world, there are indeed some people who don't suffer from "sugar addiction". Most of us consume sugar regularly in some or other way, be it in the form of candies, cookies, soft drinks, or soda! Now let me give you a little background about Splenda.

As a matter of fact, Sucralose was approved and first released in the market in the late 1990's. Sucralose is now available to you under the brand name of Splenda. Splenda maybe low on calorie content, but you would be surprised to notice that it doesn't taste bland like other artificial sweeteners!

Thanks to Splenda, there is no longer any need to control your sugar cravings. You can use Splenda as a sugar replacement wherever and whenever appropriate. That way, you are able to satiate your sugar cravings while keeping the pounds away at the same time!

2. Most modern recipe books mention margarine as a butter replacement in the list of required ingredients. As more and more people worldwide are becoming health conscious, using margarine instead of butter is becoming the norm not only in households but also in top restaurants. If you believe that margarine doesn't taste as great as butter, you couldn't be further from the truth!

If you cook something with margarine and serve it to your family members, I am sure they won't be able to tell the difference! Unlike butter, since margarine is low on calorie content, it enables you to maintain your connoisseur taste buds intact without the unwanted burden of fat!

If someone told you that you have to sacrifice your taste buds for the sake of weight loss, he is just dead wrong, as you can easily conclude from this article. I hope this article helps you live a healthy and enjoyable life!

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Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico Price Quote

By Richard Marsh

Since the cost of weight loss surgery in the states in high, people are seeking alternative avenues to receiving treatment. Research shows that many are planning medical travel trips for weight loss surgery in Mexico. This destination has much greater savings, as well as great quality.

Going abroad to receive weight loss surgery in Mexico will save you up to 70 percent. There are various treatment types you can receive, such as a Roux-en-Y or a lap band procedure. The choice is your and in Mexico the specialists will discuss your options with you. Each procedure may have its benefits and disadvantages depending on what you are looking for.

The gastric bypass surgical procedure or Roux-en-Y, will involve tying off the top region of the stomach and attaching a jejunum to it. This is usually considered to be the more involved surgery compared to the other weight loss surgery in Mexico treatments, and may carry greater risk also.

Your weight loss surgery in Mexico will be performed in a modernized hospital facility that has qualified nursing staff. The specialists will be board certified and and have a specialty in weight loss surgery in Mexico. They have already performed hundreds if not thousands of weight loss surgical procedures.

When you have weight loss surgery in Mexico, it is performed in modern and clean hospitals staffed with well-equipped staff members. The doctors are board certified in weight loss surgery in Mexico and have done hundreds of the same procedure as you would be having. After discussion with the doctor, you will know what kind of surgery is best for you, and you and your doctor will decide which procedure you will have.

You will then go to your luxury hotel suite near the hospital to await your weight loss surgery in Mexico. When the time for surgery is near, the doctor will admit you to the hospital where you will stay in a luxury hotel suite awaiting your weight loss surgery in Mexico. You will be prepared for surgery by the staff, who will give you an IV and ask you questions about your current state of health.

You will have your surgery in a bright and modern surgical suite that is equipped with modern equipment and that offers you the same anesthesia as is found in the west. You wont feel a thing. Weight loss surgery in Mexico is not unlike surgery in the U.S. After having your weight loss surgery in Mexico, you will wake up and stay for a few days in your hospital suite in order to recover.

You will be taken care of by nursing staff and will be visited by an English-speaking nutritionist who will teach you the best ways to eat in the days and weeks after the surgery. They may even give you written information on diet plans you can follow. You will likely share information with your friends on your weight loss surgery in Mexico and you will likely be happy about your experience. It will take about six weeks to recover from surgery and by then you will have already lost some weight.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

What Is The Best Yoga DVD When Beginning Yoga?

By Nilda Rimes

When you are trying to decide what is the best yoga DVD this can be difficult, especially for the yoga newbie. You can find many yoga DVDs in today's market. However, for those practicing yoga at home not all yoga DVDs are effective.

For those beginning yoga the best yoga DVD for you should be one that can help you achieve success in integrating the practice of yoga into your life. If you are a yoga newbie, consider these points to help you determine what is the best yoga DVD for you:

1. When determining what is the best yoga DVD, it should contain easy to follow instructions, as well as easy to understand demonstrations. By viewing the DVD you should be able to comprehend the basics of accomplishing each pose and have a distinct understanding of the breathing techniques.

2. As a beginner yogis, when selecting the best yoga DVD the quality of the DVD is a crucial point to consider. A good way to judge the quality of the DVD is that it should be easy to understand and follow. When identifying what is the best yoga DVD for the beginner yogis you should look for the following:

* You can easily comprehend what is being said in the DVD.

* You should be given clear instructions on how the yoga poses are achieved.

* Clear guidance should be given on how long you should hold each pose.

* Should be provided with clear instructions on the number of times for you to do the pose.

3. When it comes to learning yoga it can be challenging. Being able to frequently modify your yoga practice is a must for a beginner yogi. A key necessity for a best yoga DVD is that it must provide easy modifications for the yogis. When modifications are offered in the DVD, the newbie will find these highly beneficial to their practice sessions and will continue to be useful as their yoga journey progresses.

4. Be sure a well-known and qualified instructor is featured. When you are learning yoga from someone at a high level this will be a huge plus for you in determining what is a best yoga DVD for you to use as you practice in your home.

5. An important consideration for a best yoga DVD is that yoga is taught in a student based center. You do not want a DVD that is centered toward showing off the instructor's yoga ability. Helping you achieve success in yoga should be the fundamental aspect of the DVD.

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Beginner Yogis: What Is The Best Yoga DVD For You?

By Nilda Rimes

When you are trying to decide what is the best yoga DVD this can be difficult, especially for the yoga newbie. You can find many yoga DVDs in today's market. However, for those practicing yoga at home not all yoga DVDs are effective.

For those beginning yoga the best yoga DVD for you should be one that can help you achieve success in integrating the practice of yoga into your life. If you are a yoga newbie, consider these points to help you determine what is the best yoga DVD for you:

1. A factor for determining what is the best yoga DVD is that it should contain easy to follow instructions, as well as easy to understand demonstrations. When you view a DVD you need to have a clear understanding of the required breathing techniques and be able to comprehend the basics to accomplishing each pose.

2. For the beginner yogis, a crucial point to consider when selecting the best yoga DVD for you is the quality of the DVD. A good way to determine this factor is that it must be easy for you to understand and follow. To identify what is the best yoga DVD for a newbie you should look for the following:

* You can easily comprehend what is being said in the DVD.

* Yoga poses should have clear instructions on how to accomplish the pose.

* Clear guidance should be given on how long you should hold each pose.

* Directions on how often you should do the pose.

3. Learning yoga can be challenging. When you are new to yoga, modifying your practice sessions may be something that you will need to do frequently. Offering easy modifications to the yogis is an important factor for a best yoga DVD. When this is provided you can easily adapt the DVD to your ability level and still use it as you advance in your yoga journey.

4. Be sure your yoga DVD or video features a well-known and qualified instructor. Learning from someone at a high level will definitely be an important factor in determining what is a best yoga DVD for you to use as you practice at home.

5. An important factor for a best yoga DVD is that yoga is being taught in a student centered setting. If it is geared toward showing off the instructor's yoga ability, then this is not the DVD for you. It should be oriented to helping you achieve success in yoga.

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6 Easy Steps to Put Your Fat Loss on Steroid

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.

2. Whenever you're craving a glass of juice, have fresh fruit juice rather than juice that contains man-made flavours and coloring. It's even better when you could make your own fruit juice. But make certain not to add too much sugar which adds up to the calories.

3. Eat fresh fruit instead of processed fruit. Anything that is processed has more sugar. Processed and canned fruits also do not have as much fiber as fresh fruits.

4. Boost your fibre consumption. Like I said, the body demands lots of fibre. So attempt to include in your diet as many fruits and veggies as you can.

5. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in your diet always.

6. Eat smart. The difference between man and animal is that we're driven by intelligence whilst animals are driven by instinct. Do not merely eat something as you feel like eating it. Ask yourself if your body truly calls for it.

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Free Diet and Exercise and Weight Loss Program for the New Year

By Hayley Jenkins

Most of what you will see advertised on the television or in magazines are diet programs that involve a lot of money. But not everyone that needs to drop a few pounds can afford to attend weekly meetings or to buy special foods.

But you're in luck because there is a free diet and exercise and weight loss program out there that is right for you if you simply do enough looking and come across it.

You may be mistaken in thinking that because the weight loss program is free, that it wont be customized to your needs.

Just because it is a free diet and exercise and weight loss program so you are not actually paying out hundreds of dollars a month for it, does not mean that it is a diet that is going to fail.

You do not have to spend big money to find a diet plan that is going to help you become a better eater and that is going to get you into tip top shape.

The key to these free weight loss programs is that you need 100% commitment in order to succeed, more so than the paid ones. If you aren't paying money for something then you are more likely to pack it in after a week or two.

That's Great. But Where do I Find These Diets?

If you do some research on the internet you will uncover hundreds of free diet and exercise and weight loss programs but you must do your due diligence. Some programs may claim to be free, but once you create a free account with them, and login, they may only give you limited services until you pay. But there are hundreds of decent ones on the internet.

It is a good thing that there are so many to chose from though, as you can be certain that you'll find a free weight loss and diet program that is suited to your tastes and lifestyle.

You may decide that the weight loss niche on the internet is full of sharks trying to take you money. So a great alternative to find your free diet and exercise and weight loss program is to check out some books in your local library, or the endless number of health magazines too.

When you've found your new diet and weight loss program, always be sure to run it past your doctor first to get an expert opinion on whether it is safe and whether you will get the results you are expecting.

Even with all the advice in the world, you still have to chose a free diet and exercise and weight loss program and stick to it for a while to see if it works. Do not stress if you don't get on well with your chosen program, give another one a try - just don't give up.

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A Mexico Lap Band Surgery

By John Dunn

For people overweight, a lap band surgical procedure is sometimes recommended. It involves placing a lap band ring around the upper stomach area to create a new stomach. This helps a great deal for people that cannot lose the weight on their own.

Lap band surgery is not covered by healthcare insurance and is very expensive, leading patients to medical tourism sites such as Mexico. Lap Band surgery is inexpensive in Mexico and cost 50-70 percent less than undergoing the same procedure in the US, Canada or the UK. In Mexico, Lap band surgery is cheap but it is also a quality surgery done by a quality surgeon and a quality staff. There are many good things about having your surgery in Mexico.

You can travel as a medical tourist to a destination such as Mexico to receive you lap band surgery. The hotel is usually of top quality and is included in the price of surgery before leaving for your journey. Meeting up with your surgical doctor will be one of your priorities soon after you arrive and settle in your hotel.

As your surgery is scheduled, you await in your hotel room until then. Any risks, benefits involved will be explained as part of the preliminary discussion between you and your doctor. You can feel free to sight-see around the city while you wait.

They are then admitted to one of the most luxurious, bigger, cleaner and most efficient hospital centers in all of Mexico. Lap band patients get admitted to a luxury hotel room and are prepped for surgery by a qualified nursing staff who speak English and who prepare the patients for surgery by cleaning the area to be treated with surgery and start an IV so the patient can receive medications for their anesthesia.

You will meet with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon as a preliminary to discuss your surgery in Mexico. Patients receiving a lap band are usually unaware of the procedure because they are unconscious during the surgery.

To ensure that you are comfortable during your procedure, you will be given anesthesia. During your trip to Mexico for a lap band, you will will recover after your procedure in your hospital room and the transported back to your hotel room. You will often, meet up with a nutritionist to go over your new eating regimen. You will learn what to eat and what not to eat.

Lap band patients will begin to eat and will learn that eating very small amounts is all they can do before feeling completely full. You will recover in the hospital room until you are well enough to return to your hotel room to recover surgery. After your procedure in Mexico, Lap Band surgery patients will often go on to lose up to a hundred pounds or more after their trip to Mexico. Lap band patients may continue to meet up with a nutritionist for ongoing advice as to how best to eat to lose weight.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Low Cost Gastric Bypass (RNY) Surgery in Mexico Save on Gastric Bypass (RNY) Surgery in Mexico Learn the Facts About Gastric Bypass (RNY) Surgery in Mexico

By Sara Guppy

I can be a challenge being overweight and having a difficult time attempting to take the weight off. An option might be to opt for the Gastric Bypass Roux En Y surgical procedure, otherwise known as a gastric bypass (RNY) procedure. For those that want to lose weight quickly, this might be a viable option for those that have tried other non surgical methods.

It is unfortunate that it is not covered under many insurance plans, and the cost can exceed $10,000. This is the reason why a lot of patients travel for gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico. It is much less costly, with the cost being 50-70 percent off the same cost in the U.S., the UK and in Canada. The procedure when done in Mexico is of the same quality. Patients travel in style and are treated well at the best hotels, hospitals and clinics that Mexico has to offer and they will be losing weight in the process.

When you arrive for your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico, you'll be transported to your luxury hotel room. Prior to your surgery, you will be taken to consult with your surgeon. Your specialist will explain in detail the process as well as the benefits and any risks involved for your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico.

Your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico specialist, will be board certified and would have performed many bariatric surgeries in the past. The date of your surgery would have already been scheduled and you would be free to tour the city until then.

You will be placed in a decent hospital room where your friends and family can be with you in your quest to receiving your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico. A trained nurse and staff will begin the IV treatment and other preparations prior to your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico.

It's possible that you will meet with your nutritionist who will teach you how to eat after having your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico. Your nutritionist may give you handouts and other information that help prepare you for the act of eating after surgery. Even your anesthesiologist will be board certified in anesthesia and your anesthetist will be well trained to monitor you and provide you with your anesthesia during the surgery.

It usually takes around three hours for the surgery to complete. This is about the same amount of time it takes in other destinations or countries. After your gastric bypass (RNY) surgery in Mexico, you will gradually become more active and alert as the medication and pain killers start to wear off. The nursing staff will transport you back to your hospital room.

Even before you leave the country, you will begin your new diet as instructed by your nutritionist for a few days before returning home. Prior to leaving, your surgeon will probably want to meet up and discuss your dietary changes and new regimen.

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Helpful Hints To Lose Weight on a Bowflex

By Chris Dean

To lose weight using a Bowflex treadclimber you will want to shoot for at least twenty minutes a day on a relatively high setting with the treadmill action. At this level, you will burn approximately 700 calories per hour, at twenty minutes per day six days per week, which is about a two-pound weight loss. Of course, you will need to eat sensibly and at the very least not increase your caloric intake. Ideally, you will be decreasing calories at the same time resulting in even larger weight loss potential.

The stair climber action is another great exercise to do. The elliptical motion burns roughly 400 calories per hour on the normal setting and is very low impact and less strenuous than other exercises.

Weights and resistance training are also excellent methods for losing weight. After a good aerobic routine, you can add either one or both for faster weight loss. While aerobic exercise increases, your metabolism to burn fat resistance training builds muscle strength and flexibility. Lean muscle burns calories more efficiently than fat. It is estimated that a pound of muscle burns about 6 calories per day, however, that number can be as high as 30-50 calories depending on your genetics, gender, and workout program.

Building muscle mass increases in time and as your workouts become harder. You need to do extra repetitions and increase resistance as you become stronger. Remember to let your body rest. When beginning try not to overwork a specific muscle group. It is a good idea to alternate muscle groups when you start lifting.

Once you have a good routine remember to make changes to it so you can shock your body into working harder. There are many exercises you can perform on the bowflex the extreme 2 has about 95 different exercises you can do just off that one machine.

Start out slowly, particularly if you have been inactive for some time. Increase your workouts at a slow but steady pace. Combine cardiovascular with weights or resistance training to see maximum results. As with any major change, you should always consult a physician before starting a diet or exercise regimen.

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