Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4 Ways To Boost Growth Hormones For Height Gain

By Rodney Williams

Growth hormones regulate much of our growth, peaking in early adolescence and spurring the large growth spurts seen in children and young teens. Growth hormone is a naturally produced protein in the body, produced for the most part by the pituitary gland, and released throughout the body.

Though our natural levels of growth hormone production slow as we get older, there are many ways to increase the level of hormones released by your body, and through these increased levels of growth hormone and proper height training exercises, increase height naturally.

Listed are four of the most common ways to increase your levels of growth hormone production.

Growth Hormone Pills or Injections - A hot topic in society lately, these HGH supplements are considered steroids, and are therefore banned by the ruling bodies of many professional and amateur sports. These supplements work by drastically increasing the production of HGH, which can lead to tremendous height and muscle growth over short periods of time, but can lead to several serious side effects, including lowered natural production of HGH, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. The cost, coupled with these potential side effects, should make HGH a no go for most regular people.

Deep Sleep - Achieving deep sleep is vital for so much of our healing and growth potential, as well as our ability to retain information and much more. Many people often equate good sleep with the amount of time slept which is not the case. Deep sleep is the final stage reached during a normal sleep phase, typically taking an hour to take hold after falling asleep. Many people achieve very little deep sleep each night though, even though they may think they're sleeping well. A good way to determine the amount of deep sleep you're getting is to visit a sleep clinic for an overnight study. They can determine exactly how much deep sleep you get each night, and possible reasons why you aren't obtaining more.

Exercise - Putting the body through a rigorous workout is one of the greatest ways to achieve increased growth hormone levels. Short bursts of intense workouts are generally the best way of producing higher levels of HGH, and this can be accomplished through routines such as high intensity sprints, weight lifting, and stair climbing.

Diet - Our diets are what keep us going, the fuel that gives us energy to perform our daily tasks. Without the proper fuel, some functions of our body don't perform as they should, and this is true of HGH production. Too much sugar and carbs in the diet in particular can lessen our production of HGH, and also slow or hinder its distribution throughout our bodies.

Without the proper levels of HGH, your body simply will not grow like it should and can. Increase your production of HGH and watch the effects of your targeted height gaining workouts increase in effect.

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Ways to Eliminate the Double Chin

By Jared Rothe

Double chins are appearing everywhere in this day and age. It seems like more and more people are obese and are finding themselves overweight. It is up to you to get rid of that ugly double chin.

Here are some of the ways to get rid of a double chin: exercise, dieting, surgery, liposuction, velform chin wrap, and double chin exercises that concentrate on the platysma muscle. The easiest option is liposuction but it depends on how you look at it. This method is very costly and you can find yourself in the operating room soon after if you don't change your eating habits.

Exercise is a good way to eliminate double chin, it tones the musculature and diminishes the problem. However if you are carrying excess weight, you will probably also need to take a look at this. Shedding a few pounds could be the first step in eliminating your double chin, as many people who have put on weight find that it arrived on the face and neck first.

Velform chin wraps are another convenient solution to this problem. This wrap, sort of resembles an elastic bandage that re-affirms the skin. It is used together with active ingredients in a gel form that melts away the fat away while shrinking loose neck skin.

Platysma and double chin exercises is another way to lose a double chin. You can workout this muscle by sticking your tongue out then retracting it.

Of course if you combine all these methods together you stand the best chance to lose a double chin. That means diet and exercise, platysma workouts, and velform chin wrap. You can get rid of your double chin with these methods. Your body will benefit from all the great work you put into yourself.

You will feel younger, appear younger, feel healthier and benefit all-round from a new exercise and diet regime. And with a little cosmetic assistance to speed up matters and tighten that loose skin, your confidence in your appearance will be restored. Don't allow the symptoms of a double chin to take away your self-esteem. You can claim this back right now with very little intervention, and a few very simple life style changes.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 3 Fun Games For Kids' Weight Loss!

By Frances Norah Smith

Suppose that you've never worked out in life, and all of a sudden someone tells you that if you wish to get rid of your fat belly, you would need to hit the gym for two weeks straight and spend an average of six hours there per day! How would you react to that? Your first thought would be that it is better to keep your fat belly intact and watch that cool Hollywood movie instead of working so hard.

Well, that is the exactly the same way your kids think when they are asked to workout like crazy for the purpose of weight loss! However, if you ask them to do some fun activities which would keep them cheerful and help them lose weight at the same time, then nothing like it! In this article I prescribe three such fun activities for your kids!

1. Dog walking: Walking is one of the simplest ways to lose weight, but kids won't want to walk without any incentive. Do you have a pet dog at home? If yes, the incentive could be that of taking the dog for a walk. If your kids are particularly attached to the pets at home, this would become easier! Be a model to your kids and take the dog with you when going out for your regular morning walks, and your kids would soon follow suit!

2. The twister trick: Board games and video games definitely make your kids fat, but not all games are that bad. Consider for example the twister game! Would you call it dull and boring? Definitely not! It is one game which kids of all ages are sure to enjoy, and since they cannot play it sitting on the couch, it would help them lose weight as well!

Again you could take the initiative by playing the game for your kids at first, and since kids like to follow adults, they would soon mimic you!

3. Let the chair be filled with music: Okay, I mean musical chairs! This is a very well known game but very few people know that it could be used to make your kids lose the fat belly instantly! The game is pretty simple: just get several hula hoops and chairs and put them all close to each other. Let the music begin!

The kids are supposed to walk in a big circle around the hoops or chairs as soon as the music begins. Immediately after music stops, the kids must jump fast into the hula hoops or the chairs; if anyone is unable to jump on the chair in time, he is sent back to the cheering section. Before the start of the next round of the game, you should take away one chair from the group!

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How To Use Dairy Products Correctly: Part Two - Cheese

By Owen Jones

The Basic Preparation Food: Dairy Products.


Cheeses are manufactured from milk which has been naturally or artificially turned sour. The first method is achieved by standing the milk in a warm place and allowing natural, beneficial bacteria to convert the milk's natural sugars into lactic acid. The second method is effected by adding an agent, usually rennet.

Colouring and salt are usually put in too. The whey is then drained off and the curds are pressed into moulds where they are kept until ripened or cured. Some cheeses are subjected to pressure; soft cheeses are not. Curds are ripened or cured by various means. The method, the quality of the milk, the breed of cow, sheep or other animal and the quality of its pasture and the type of bacteria all govern the final result.

Some local conditions are unique and those areas produce cheeses that are not successfully reproduced elsewhere: for example Gruyere and Camembert, although factories do try. They even have some success, as most of the world's Cheddar cheese now comes from the USA and Canada.

The constituent parts of cheese are roughly: 33% fat, 33% protein and 33% water with salt, colouring, sugar etc making up the other 1%. These proportions do vary from area to area as some manufacturers use full cream milk, others skimmed milk and yet others add extra cream. Yet others add extra sugar, although most do not. All cheeses have a high calcium content and can be considered 'concentrated milk' and stored in the same way.

Many people say that cheese must not be kept in a fridge and although storing in water, as for milk, is not a viable option, a cool larder is certainly ideal. Try the traditional method of suspending it from a hook in muslin in a cool, breezy place. If it is hot, moisten the cheesecloth with water to which a little vinegar has been added.

Cheese is typically served in Europe with a salad or/and bread and is often served after or instead of the sweet course. Hard cheese can be difficult for children to digest and grating it first will make it more palatable to them. Once grated the cheese can be sprinkled on vegetable or fish soups or sauces; added to egg, pasta, rice and oatmeal dishes; put on baked potatoes or pastry; toasted on bread or put in salads and sandwiches.

How To Cook Cheese: A not well known fact is that a lot of people find cooked cheese practically indigestible and the reason lies in its make-up. This is why: cooked starch can be digested by the saliva in the mouth, but other foods must pass to the stomach or intestines for this process to be completed. They are, however, broken up in the mouth. Digestion of protein begins in the stomach and is completed in the small intestine, while fat is not rendered soluble until it reaches the small intestine.

Cheese has a high fat and protein content, but when melted, the fat often covers the protein and prevents the digestive juices reaching it in the stomach. Therefore, its digestion is delayed until the fat has been absorbed by the intestines. Cheese can be rendered more digestible in the following way:

a] Cooking it with some starchy foodstuff, since the starch will absorb the fat, thus preventing it covering the protein.

2] Adding seasoning - Cayenne Pepper or mustard will irritate the intestinal lining, thus causing extra digestive juices to be released.

3] Cooking quickly at high temperature. This prevents the protein from becoming tough and stringy and therefore, harder to digest. Add cheese late to sauces.

4] Adding an alkali: for example, a generous pinch of Bicarbonate of Soda per 3 ozs (75g) will help neutralize the fatty acids and make the proteins easier to digest.

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Is straining to failure the wisest move?

By Jon Cardozo

If you have any experience at all in the bodybuilding world, you have probably heard of the term training to failure. It is one of the most popular concepts and is really promoted by most people in the industry, yet many people don't know what it really means.

I thought it would be a good idea to define some of these terms for you to avoid confusion. One important term I would like to discuss now is training to failure.

There seem to be a lot of people that throw around this term without really knowing what it means. Don't worry if you're one of them, we'll get you straightened out pretty soon!

The concept is actually pretty simple, but many people make it more complicated than it really is. If you train to failure, you perform a certain exercise on a particular muscle group until that muscle cannot handle it anymore. The muscle is exhausted and fails to lift anymore. It cannot perform another repetition (at least not immediately) on its own.

However, there's one trainer in particular who cautions us about how we interpret this concept. Vince Delmonte makes a distinction between momentary failure and complete failure. So what's the difference? I'm so glad you asked.

If you train to momentary failure, you work a muscle until it is exhausted and cannot lift anymore weights at that time. You can do the same thing going from one muscle group to the other. However, this is different from training to complete failure or absolute failure. Doing the latter means that you will end up training until you're completely exhausted and your body cannot go on anymore.

This kind of training is usually considered over training and can put a heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not to mention your muscles themselves. Because your nervous and immune systems take longer than your muscles to recover, you need to be very careful to avoid over training in the gym.

I know you're probably eager to make progress as quickly as possible, but taking the time to learn a few things can go a long way in the future. Learn to take care of your body, and learn when to rest your muscles.

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The Truth About Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico

By Sara Guppy

A concern about being overweight is obesity. There is a growing increase of obesity in the U.S. and for a few reasons. Psychological issues can play a part of obesity or it can be part of inheritance.

Either of these issues can help to develop other health problems in the future. The individuals that are affected by these issues, usually find easy ways to correct them. Diet and exercise can be difficult to follow unless you have the willpower to go the full length of the regimen. If all else fails, a common way is go the route of weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery is a proven way to lose weight. But the cost of operation has been a concern for those who wants to undergo weight loss surgery. This makes Mexico to be one of the most popular destinations for people who want to get rid of their unwanted fats.

Weight loss surgery in Mexico offers same quality service for only half the price of most weight loss surgery in United States can offer. Mexico has adequate facilities and qualified professionals to perform this kind of operation. Mexico is also a great option for people who don't have medical insurance to cover the cost of surgery.

The cost of the weight loss surgery in Mexico, should not be the main concern when planning for this surgery. Quality of care should be regarded as the most important aspect of the decision. The specialists that perform these procedures at top rated hospitals and medical centers in Mexico, are board certified and the facilities are up to standards with the hospitals in the U.S. and many are accredited.

Many of the medical doctors performing the weight loss surgery in Mexico, have received formal training in the U.S. There will be several options to choose from when deciding to have weight loss surgery in Mexico. You will consult with the doctor and he or she will help you to select the best option for you and your needs.

You will be able to discuss with your surgeon that will help you to understand your options more carefully. This is a major decision, so you will want to have all your concern, risks, and benefits on the table. The benefits of loosing weight is not only for the purpose of shedding the pounds, but as a measure for maintaining great health as well. Good weight reduces the risk of disease as well as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Take your time when deciding on a surgeon that will perform the weight loss surgery. Even though you would be able to save a great deal by receiving surgery in Mexico, you still need to be careful about your selection and should be wise in your understanding and planning. You must understand the risks involved with this procedure as well as the health benefits this surgery could afford.

Finally, the decision of weight loss surgery can be successful, if you have a solid understanding about the process and the possible pros and cons involved. This procedure can help in maintaining a much healthier lifestyle.

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Best Type of Fat Burning Diet that Will Work for You!

By Christine G. Shannon

People's reasons to lose fat vary. Some people might have noticed their weight creeping up and they want to restrict the damage. Other people might be very large and perhaps this is causing other health problems. Quick and easy fat loss diets are highly sought after but losing weight is not always easy. There is a lot of hype about different fat loss diets but most of these diets are disappointing and do not live up to their promise of long term or instant results. It is not always simple to find a fat burning diet that works.

One of the basic rules about dieting is that you need to understand that in order to burn fat and calories, the process is not going to work overnight. You need to learn which foods are the best to eat and when to consume meals. A weight loss program which increases energy is obviously better than one which deprives you of vital nutrients and decreases your energy levels. Some diet secrets involve starvation, which is not a diet you can stick to in the long term, not something which is enjoyable and will never work if you want long term results.

It is important that you find a fat loss diet that is easy to understand, stick with and is the right weight loss diet for your habits. A diet can be hard to commit to if you have a hard time understanding it, you will end up getting frustrated and depressed, then quit the diet, or give up dieting all together. It makes it more difficult for you to stick with future diets, as well.

The majority of pre-packaged diet programs can seem a bit bland and boring after a while. Besides, it is better to eat regular everyday foods when you are on a diet. These types of diets often involve a great deal of money to maintain the diet program and the weight loss.

Low carbohydrate diets are much too strict and can make you completely uncomfortable since your body does require a certain amount of carbohydrates. They can also cause you to gain back the weight after you begin to lose.

Low fat diets generally carry a lot of calories which can cause a gain in your weight. Many times dieters will find such low fat items to be too expensive to continue in their use. Besides just because it says it is low fat it never means that it has low or no calories. Using them makes no sense to many dieting individuals. In fact, there are not many that even taste good or worth eating. They leave you wanting something else more nutritious.

To lose weight you need a diet that you can fit into your lifestyle with your own favorite choices of foods, so you will enjoy being on the diet. Things you keep on hand all the time, or buy often at the store, that you like to eat.

After you have tried all the fast weight loss diets, you may still not have gotten any results. You need to try a weight loss diet that can work for you. Once you have committed to losing weight and finding a program that works for you, Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for.

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