Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does Tea Speed Up Your Bodys Metabolism

By Jared Rothe

Drinking tea is not something new or a new fad that everyone is jumping on board with; people in China have been drinking it for hundreds and even thousands of years for medicinal purposes, tradition and pleasure. There is black-tea, white-tea, green-tea, red-tea, jasmin-tea, wu-long tea, white-tea, tea that help stress levels, teas that help weight loss and the list just continues on and one. Many of these have in the past only been used in Asian countries are now making their way into the rest of the world. So when we hear about how it helps to reduce weight, the question that comes to mind about these new teas is; and if it can speed up your metabolism?

Green-tea for example is taken by many people for the benefits that it offers. One of which is that it can actually speed up the metabolism process. The metabolism rate increases at a tremendous rate, even if you do not change your food habit, you daily calorie burn out will be increased and you will be able to burn more weight. It also reduces your hunger so that you eat less and that way also you lose some weight.

There was a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that kept track of weight loss with the addition of tea to a diet. The results were amazing. They found that those that drank green tea burnt thirty-five to forty percent more calories every day. One study showed that a person lost double the weight of another who wasn't taking green tea. So four to six glasses a day should be a great start to losing weight.

There has been research to conclude that tea does in fact raise your metabolism. There is another study going on currently that compares weight loss from people who take caffeine supplements to those who just drink tea. The tentative results say that the people who drank tea are losing more weight.

There are a number of teas found in the market today that are beneficial for your health and metabolism and each tea have their own unique properties. So when you want to increase your metabolism and shed a few extra pounds, then think about adding green tea, oolong-tea, white-tea or other low caffeine teas to your diet.

In addition to the information listed above tea also has the ability to protect you from diseases such as cancer and heart problems. Drink tea to improve your health.

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